En esta página puede encontrar un mapa de ubicación así como una relación de lugares y servicios disponibles en los alrededores de Southwest 19th Avenue: Hoteles, restaurantes, instalaciones deportivas, centros de enseñanza, cajeros automáticos, supermercados, estaciones de servicio y más.
Edificios con nombre cercanos Servicios cercanos a Southwest 19th Avenue Haga clic en la casilla de verificación situada a la izquierda del nombre del servicio para mostrar en el mapa la ubicación de los servicios seleccionados.
Comercio Ropa - 326mPTFC Authentics Southwest Morrison Street, 1844 97205 Portland Horario de apertura: Tu-Sa 11:00-17:00 Automóvil - 381mGrand Prix Motors Southwest 16th Avenue, 1233 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-444-7771 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 10:00-18:00; Sa 10:00-16:00 Floristería - 697mSammy's Flowers West Burnside Street, 1710 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-222-9759 Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 08:00-20:00; Su 09:00-18:00 tabaco - 426mSmokers R Us West Burnside Street, 1971 97209 Portland Horario de apertura: Mo-We 11:00-21:00; Th-Sa 11:00-22:00; Su 11:00-19:00 Bazar - 238mGo Food Stores Southwest Jefferson Street, 1720 97201 Portland Limpieza en seco - 578mLevine's West Burnside Street, 2086 97209 Portland Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 06:30-19:00; Sa 08:00-16:00 venta de billetes - 420mProvidence Park Box Office KeyBank Plaza artesanía - 605mSCRAP PDX Southwest Alder Street, 1736 97205 Portland Teléfono: +15032940769 Horario de apertura: We-Mo 11:00-19:00 Peluquería - 202mOne Creativity and Design Southwest 18th Avenue, 1234 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-971-271-8609 Peluquería - 369mEvolution Southwest 16th Avenue, 909 97205 Portland Optica - 352mEye Department Southwest 16th Avenue, 921 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-227-0573 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 08:00-18:00 Pastelería - 251mBlue Star Donuts Southwest Jefferson Street, 1701 97201 Portland Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 07:00-17:00 salón de belleza - 205mFingers & Toes Salon Southwest 18th Avenue, 1250 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-224-1755 Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 10:00-19:00Restauración Cafeterías - 302mFehrenbacher Hof Southwest 19th Avenue, 1225 97205 Portland Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 06:00-18:00; Sa,Su 07:00-18:00 Cafeterías - 337mCafe Nizza Southwest 18th Avenue, 820 97205 Portland Pubs - 271mThe Cheerful Bullpen Southwest Taylor Street, 1730 Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 15:00-21:00 Pubs - 324mGoose Hollow Inn Southwest Jefferson Street, 1927 97201 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-228-7010 Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 11:00-24:00; Sa 00:00-01:00,11:00-24:00 Comida rápida - 234mBellagios Pizza Southwest Jefferson Street, 1742 97201 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-221-0110 Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 11:00-22:00; Fr,Sa 11:00-23:00 Comida rápida - 251mBlue Star Donuts Southwest Jefferson Street, 1701 97201 Portland Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 07:00-17:00 Restaurantes - 107mKinara Thai Southwest 18th Avenue, 1126 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-227-5161 Horario de apertura: Mo-Th 11:00-21:00; Fr 11:00-21:30; Sa 15:00-21:30 Restaurantes - 394mHunnyMilk West Burnside Street, 1981 97209 Portland Horario de apertura: We-Su 08:00-14:00 Restaurantes - 366mVtopia Southwest Jefferson Street, 1628 97201 Portland Teléfono: +1-971-271-7656 Horario de apertura: 11:00-22:00 Bares - 431mKingston Bar and Grill Southwest Morrison Street, 2021 97209 PortlandOtros office-lawyer - 463mMoseley Collins Law Southwest King Avenue, 1012 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1 503 210 1990 bibliotecas públicas - 595m - Southwest Market Street Refugios - 338m - Southwest Jefferson Street Refugios - 387m - Southwest Jefferson Street Refugios - 355m - Southwest Jefferson Street Refugios - 370m - Southwest Jefferson Street Venta de Helados - 536m22 Below Southwest 19th Avenue, 615 97205 Portland shop-games - 498mMox Boarding House West Burnside Street, 1938 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1 503 506 0669 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 11:00-24:00; Sa-Su 10:00-24:00 Teléfonos - 334m - Southwest Jefferson Street Teléfonos - 353m - Southwest Jefferson Street sport-soccer;american_football - 241mProvidence Park - City of Portland office-estate_agent - 335mButler Brokers Inc., Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Southwest 18th Avenue, 824 97205 Portland Teléfono: 503-222-4949 Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 09:00-20:00 Agua potable - 104m - Southwest 18th Avenue Agua potable - 278m - Southwest Jefferson Street sport-pickleball - 191m - Southwest Main Street sport-pickleball - 191m - Southwest Main Street office-insurance - 371mElliott, Powell, Baden & Baker Insurance Southwest Salmon Street, 1521 97205 Portland Papeleras - 217m - Southwest Salmon Street estudio - 509mKGW Jefferson Studios - KGW Southwest Jefferson Street, 1501 97201 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-226-5000 escuelas de música - 494mResound NW Southwest Jefferson Street, 1532 97201 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-489-7464 Servicios Sociales - 156mNARA Oyate Building - Native American Rehabilitation Association Southwest Madison Street, 1776 97205 Portland Servicios Sociales - 360mTate Topo - Native American Rehabilitation Association Southwest 17th Avenue, 1310 97201 Portland Servicios Sociales - 197mNARA Community Engagement & Development and Information Technology - Native American Rehabilitation Association Southwest Madison Street, 1717 97205 Portland tutor - 407mNorth Avenue Education Southwest 16th Avenue, 1235 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-468-6906 office-company - 327mPacific Education Corporation Southwest Jefferson Street, 1631 97201 Portland office-company - 355mFortis Construction Southwest Taylor Street, 1705 97205 Portland Máquinas de vending - 404m - - gratuito Southwest 18th Avenue office-financial - 184mInvestors Management Group Northwest Southwest 18th Avenue, 1234 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-971-888-4010 Veterinario - 120mPortland Animal Clinic Southwest Madison Street, 1755 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-228-5256 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 07:00-18:00; Sa 08:00-12:00 sport-lacrosse - 413m - Southwest Salmon Street sport-billiards - 457mWildwood Saloon West Burnside Street, 1955 97209 Portland office-association - 452mOregon-Idaho Conference - The United Methodist Church Southwest 18th Avenue, 1505 97201 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-226-7931 Calles conectadas Listado de calles y plazas que están conectadas con
Southwest 19th Avenue