En esta página puede encontrar un mapa de ubicación así como una relación de lugares y servicios disponibles en los alrededores de Southwest 14th Avenue: Hoteles, restaurantes, instalaciones deportivas, centros de enseñanza, cajeros automáticos, supermercados, estaciones de servicio y más.
Edificios con nombre cercanos Servicios cercanos a Southwest 14th Avenue Haga clic en la casilla de verificación situada a la izquierda del nombre del servicio para mostrar en el mapa la ubicación de los servicios seleccionados.
Automóvil Taller de Automóvil - 189mSteve's Automotive Northwest 14th Avenue, 22 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-227-4112 Email: bob@stevesautomotive.com Taller de Automóvil - 339mWestside Detail Northwest Couch Street, 1610 97209 Portland Taller de Automóvil - 317mCity Radiator Northwest Everett Street, 1420 97209 Portland Aparcamientos - 109mU-Park - City Center Parking - acceso público - de pago Southwest Washington Street Aparcamientos - 346m - Southwest Yamhill Street Aparcamientos - 312mU-Park - City Center Parking - acceso privado - de pago Northwest 15th Avenue, 216 Aparcamientos - 331m - Southwest Yamhill Street Aparcamientos - 251mPMC - acceso público - de pago Southwest Morrison Street, 1224 Aparcamientos - 197mCity Center Parking - acceso público - de pago Southwest Washington Street, 1232 97205 Portland Aparcamientos - 200m - - acceso privado Southwest 13th Avenue, 522 Aparcamientos - 171mU-Park - City Center Parking - de pago Southwest Alder Street Teléfono: +1-503-221-1828 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 00:00-07:00,17:00-24:00; Sa,Su 00:00-24:00 Aparcamientos - 349m - West Burnside Street, 1623 Aparcamientos - 199mPMC - de pago West Burnside Street, 1313 97209 Portland Aparcamientos - 235m - - Basco Northwest Davis Street Aparcamientos - 376m - Northwest Couch Street Aparcamientos - 391mCity Center Parking - acceso público - de pago Southwest Salmon Street Aparcamientos - 355m - - acceso público - de pago Southwest 12th Avenue Entradas a parking - 234m - Southwest 15th Avenue Entradas a parking - 352mPMC - de pago Southwest 12th Avenue, 717 Entradas a parking - 285m - Southwest Alder Street, 1200 Entradas a parking - 325m - Southwest Yamhill Street Entradas a parking - 252mPMC - de pago Southwest Washington Street, 1205 Entradas a parking - 251mPMC - de pago Southwest Yamhill Street, 1221 Entradas a parking - 315m - - Storables Northwest 13th Avenue Entradas a parking - 346m - - de pago Northwest 13th Avenue, 120 Alquiler de coches - 353mEnterprise West Burnside Street, 1623 97209 Portland aparcamiento de motos - 554m - Northwest Davis Street, 1111Comercio tienda de alta fidelidad - 285mEncore Northwest Everett Street, 1400 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-224-9400 Horario de apertura: Tu-Sa 10:00-18:00 || "Sunday and Monday by appointment" alfombras - 519mKush Rugs Northwest Everett Street, 1225 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-231-0700 Email: info@kushrugs.com Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00 tienda de cortinas - 667mThe Shade Store Northwest Everett Street, 1117 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-505-7191 Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00; Su 11:00-17:00 || "and by appointment" Ropa - 156mBonobos Southwest 13th Avenue, 415 97205 Portland Ropa - 355mWM Goods Southwest Alder Street, 1130-1136 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-954-3398 Ropa - 305mTimbuk2 Southwest Harvey Milk Street, 1142 97205 Portland Ropa - 313mG-Star Raw Southwest Harvey Milk Street, 1132 97205 Portland Ropa - 319mCollier Southwest Harvey Milk Street, 1132 97205 Ropa - 356mLululemon Northwest Couch Street, 1231 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-274-0007 Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 10:00-19:00; Su 11:00-18:00 Muebles - 168mThe Good Mod West Burnside Street, 1313 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-206-6919 Horario de apertura: 11:00-18:00 Muebles - 390mwest elm Northwest Couch Street, 1201 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-224-4480 Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 10:00-20:00; Su 11:00-18:00 Muebles - 257mCalifornia Closets West Burnside Street, 1235 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-885-8211 Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00 || "Sunday by appointment" salón de belleza - 223mPearl Medspa Northwest Couch Street, 1339 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-946-3888 Email: info@pearlmedspa.com salón de belleza - 344mLovely Lashes and Skincare Southwest 13th Avenue, 900 97205 Portland antigüedades - 610mArthur Erickson Southwest Taylor Street, 1030 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-227-4710 Horario de apertura: We 11:00-17:00 || "other days by appointment" Limpieza en seco - 337mCox's Cleaners Southwest 12th Avenue, 560 97205 Portland Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 07:00-18:00; Sa 09:00-15:00 shop-vacant - 192m - Southwest 13th Avenue, 410 97205 Portland shop-vacant - 390m - Southwest Washington Street, 1101 97205 Portland shop-vacant - 337m - Northwest Couch Street, 1239 97209 Portland Peluquería - 159mBeck Southwest 13th Avenue, 436 97205 Portland Peluquería - 337mHyde West Southwest 12th Avenue, 713 97205 Portland Peluquería - 296mHaute Coiffure Southwest Morrison Street, 1218 97205 Portland Peluquería - 183mAesop West Burnside Street, 1300 97209 Portland Peluquería - 177mWuntwo West Burnside Street, 1306 97209 Portland Peluquería - 235mBlondie Southwest Alder Street, 1225 97205 Portland Peluquería - 248mGold + Arrow Southwest Alder Street, 1221 97205 Portland Peluquería - 257mJaggs Southwest 12th Avenue, 525 97205 Portland Sastre - 277mDZ Alteration & Tailor Southwest Morrison Street, 1222 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-796-9394 Pastelería - 390mSaint Cupcake Southwest Morrison Street, 1138 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-473-8760 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 09:00-18:00; Sa 10:00-18:00; Su 11:00-17:00 Tienda de deportes - 436mThe Far Post - PDX World Cup Fan Fest Southwest 14th Avenue, 825 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-295-6875 tienda - 536m - Southwest 11th Avenue, 712 97205 Portland Regalos - 364mAlder + Co. Southwest 12th Avenue, 616 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-224-1647 Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 11:00-18:00; Su 11:00-16:00 tienda de marcos - 383mFrame Central Northwest Davis Street, 1238 97209 Portland Horario de apertura: Tu-Sa 10:00-18:00; Su 11:00-17:00 Joyería - 626mMaloy's Southwest 10th Avenue, 717 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-223-4720 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 10:00-17:30; Sa 11:00-17:00 tatuajes - 545mMurder Ink Southwest 11th Avenue, 730 97205 Portland Bicicletas - 382mWest End Bikes Southwest Harvey Milk Street, 1111 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-208-2933 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 10:00-19:00; Sa 10:00-18:00; Su 12:00-17:00 Bazar - 261mMa & Pa Market Southwest Washington Street, 1200 97205 Portland Bazar - 324mPeterson's Grocery Southwest Harvey Milk Street, 1143 97205 Portland tienda erótica - 343mSpartacus Southwest 12th Avenue, 300 97205 Portland tienda erótica - 393mFantasy West Burnside Street, 1703 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-295-6969 Horario de apertura: 00:00-03:00,10:00-24:00 Zapatería - 212mVans Southwest Harvey Milk Street, 1234 97205 Portland Zapatería - 212mJohn Fluevog Southwest Harvey Milk Street, 1224 97205 Portland Zapatería - 275mToms West Burnside Street, 1231 97209 Portland tienda de bolsos - 269mFink's Luggage Southwest 12th Avenue, 517 97205 Portland Floristería - 421mSammy's Flowers West Burnside Street, 1710 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-222-9759 Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 08:00-20:00; Su 09:00-18:00 decoración de interiores - 574mChown Hardware Northwest 16th Avenue, 333 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-800-452-7634 Productos químicos - 280mCVS Pharmacy Northwest 13th Avenue, 105 97209 Portland Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 08:00-22:00 tienda de música - 147mEveryday Music West Burnside Street, 1313 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-274-0961 Horario de apertura: 11:00-18:00 artículos para el hogar - 448mWilliams-Sonoma Northwest Davis Street, 1202 97209 Portland Electrónica - 242mBasco Northwest Davis Street, 1411 97209 Portland Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 08:00-17:00; Sa 09:00-17:00 Supermercado - 343mWhole Foods Market Northwest Couch Street, 1210 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-525-4343 Fax: +1-503-525-2021 Horario de apertura: 07:00-23:00 Automóvil - 234mGenuine Motor Company Northwest 13th Avenue, 35 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-621-6883 Automóvil - 254mZwahlen Car Co. Northwest 13th Avenue, 35 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-227-1106 Ordenadores - 551mBolt Computer Southwest Yamhill Street, 1033 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-616-2841 caridad - 640mGoodwill on 10th Boutique Southwest 10th Avenue, 739 97205 Portland tienda de fotografía - 368mArchive Photo Southwest 13th Avenue, 900 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-242-3877 Horario de apertura: Tu-Fr 10:00-17:00 tienda de fotografía - 382mKeene Studio Southwest 13th Avenue, 920 97205 Portland instrumentos musicales - 357mGeesman Fine Violins Southwest 13th Avenue, 900 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-226-2998 Horario de apertura: Tu-Fr 10:30-16:30; Sa 10:00-15:00 tienda de delicatessen - 505mTaylor Street Kitchen Southwest Taylor Street, 1125 97205 PortlandRestauración Pubs - 105mRinglers Pub - McMenamins West Burnside Street, 1332 97209 Portland Pubs - 294mZeus Café - McMenamins Southwest 12th Avenue, 303 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-384-2500 Horario de apertura: 00:00-02:00,07:00-24:00 Pubs - 269mAl's Den - McMenamins Southwest Harvey Milk Street, 1223 Pubs - 257mRinglers Annex - McMenamins Southwest Harvey Milk Street, 1223 97205 Portland Pubs - 309mVon Ebert Brewing Northwest Davis Street, 131 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-820-7721 Cafeterías - 283mNever Coffee Southwest 12th Avenue, 537 Cafeterías - 322mSuperJoy Coffee Lab/Roasters Southwest Yamhill Street, 1401 97205 Portland Teléfono: +19712717185 Cafeterías - 290mKure Southwest 12th Avenue, 408 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-855-777-5873 Cafeterías - 374mThe Mezz - Whole Foods Northwest Couch Street, 1210 97209 Portland Horario de apertura: 07:00-20:00 Restaurantes - 60mCassidy's Southwest Washington Street, 1331 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-223-0054 Email: contact@cassidysrestaurant.com Horario de apertura: 00:00-02:00,16:00-24:00 Restaurantes - 308mUrban Crêperie Southwest Morrison Street, 1216 97205 Portland Teléfono: +15039541492 Restaurantes - 374mPollo Bravo Southwest Alder Street, 1128 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-987-1500 Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 08:00-22:00; Fr,Sa 08:00-23:00 Restaurantes - 344mToki Southwest 12th Avenue, 580 97205 Portland Restaurantes - 372mGracie's Southwest 15th Avenue, 729 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-222-2171 Horario de apertura: Mo-Th 06:30-14:00,17:00-21:00; Fr 06:30-14:00,17:00-22:00; Sa 08:00-14:00,17:00-22:00; Su 08:00-14:00,17:00-21:00 Restaurantes - 360mPetunia's Pies & Pastries Southwest 12th Avenue, 610 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1 503-841-5961 Horario de apertura: Mo-We 09:00-18:00; Th-Su 09:00-20:00 Restaurantes - 387mTanaka Southwest Morrison Street, 1155 Horario de apertura: 08:00-20:00 Restaurantes - 286mDolly Olive Southwest 12th Avenue, 527 97205 Portland Restaurantes - 323mQuickFish Southwest Harvey Milk Street, 1122 97205 Portland Restaurantes - 295mBamboo Sushi Southwest 12th Avenue, 404 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-444-7455 Restaurantes - 253mLardo Southwest Washington Street, 1205 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-241-2490 Horario de apertura: 11:00-22:00 Restaurantes - 232mGrassa Southwest Washington Street, 1205 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-241-1133 Horario de apertura: 11:00-22:00 Restaurantes - 179mMasu Southwest 13th Avenue, 406 97205 Portland Restaurantes - 264mJake's Famous Crawfish Southwest 12th Avenue, 401 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-226-1419 Horario de apertura: Su-Th 11:30-21:00; Fr,Sa 11:30-22:00 Restaurantes - 308mCheryl's on 12th Southwest Washington Street, 1135 97205 Portland Restaurantes - 366mGildas Italian Restaurant Southwest Morrison Street, 1601 97205 Portland Bares - 76mScooter McQuade's Southwest Washington Street, 1321 97205 Portland Bares - 393mThe Green Room - Multnomah Whiskey Library Southwest Alder Street, 1122 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-954-1381 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 16:00-24:00; Sa 00:00-01:00,16:00-24:00; Su 00:00-01:00 Bares - 387mMultnomah Whiskey Library Southwest Alder Street, 1124 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-954-1381 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 16:00-24:00; Sa 00:00-01:00,16:00-24:00; Su 00:00-01:00 Bares - 381mChizu Southwest Alder Street, 1126 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-719-6889 Horario de apertura: We-Fr 15:00-22:00; Sa 13:00-22:00; Su 13:00-20:00 Bares - 338mScandals Southwest Harvey Milk Street, 1125 97205 Portland Bares - 210mBeer O'Clock Southwest Washington Street, 1205 97205 Portland Horario de apertura: 12:00-22:00 Bares - 372mCommodore Lounge West Burnside Street, 1650 Portland Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 07:00-02:30 Comida rápida - 371mCookie Dough Cafe Northwest 13th Avenue, 120 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-477-7985 Horario de apertura: Mo-Th 12:00-21:00; Fr,Sa 12:30-22:30; Su 12:30-22:00Transporte Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 61m - Southwest Washington Street, 1321 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 354m - Northwest Everett Street, 1477 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 387m - Northwest Flanders Street, 1425 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 341m - Northwest 14th Avenue Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 354m - Northwest Everett Street, 234 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 393m - Northwest Everett Street, 1355 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 368m - Northwest Everett Street, 1355 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 370m - Northwest Everett Street, 1355 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 372m - Northwest Everett Street, 1355 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 366m - Northwest Everett Street, 1355 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 364m - Northwest Everett Street, 1355 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 362m - Northwest Everett Street, 1355 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 328m - Northwest Everett Street, 1477 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 371m - Southwest 13th Avenue, 900 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 328m - Southwest Morrison Street, 1200 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 351m - Southwest Alder Street, 1130-1136 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 322m - Northwest Couch Street Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 304m - Southwest Yamhill Street, 1221 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 290m - Southwest Yamhill Street, 1221 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 365m - Southwest 12th Avenue, 580 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 279m - Southwest 13th Avenue Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 217m - Southwest Morrison Street, 1405 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 375m - Southwest Morrison Street, 1138 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 369m - Southwest 12th Avenue, 747 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 309m - Southwest 15th Avenue Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 379m - Southwest Alder Street, 1124 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 348m - Southwest Morrison Street, 1200 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 371m - Southwest Morrison Street, 1138 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 345m - Southwest Morrison Street, 1200 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 391m - Southwest Morrison Street, 1155 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 389m - Southwest Morrison Street, 1138 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 201m - Southwest 13th Avenue, 610 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 153m - Southwest 13th Avenue Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 173m - Southwest 13th Avenue, 522 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 177m - Southwest 13th Avenue Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 382m - Southwest Washington Street, 1101 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 268m - Southwest Washington Street, 1205 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 150m - Southwest 13th Avenue Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 204m - Southwest Washington Street, 1205 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 319m - Southwest Harvey Milk Street, 1143 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 186m - Southwest 13th Avenue, 410 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 170m - Southwest 13th Avenue, 413 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 226m - Southwest Harvey Milk Street, 1234 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 244m - Southwest Harvey Milk Street, 1234 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 190m - West Burnside Street, 1306 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 257m - Southwest Harvey Milk Street, 1223 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 154m - Southwest 13th Avenue, 417 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 133m - Southwest 13th Avenue, 517 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 162m - Southwest Washington Street, 1237 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 251m - Southwest 12th Avenue Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 101m - Southwest Washington Street, 1316 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 77m - Southwest 14th Avenue, 408 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 306m - Southwest Morrison Street, 1512 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 294m - Southwest Morrison Street Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 241m - Southwest Washington Street, 1210 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 285m - Southwest 12th Avenue, 517 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 181m - Southwest 13th Avenue Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 285m - Southwest 12th Avenue, 404 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 162m - Southwest 13th Avenue, 406 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 262m - Southwest 12th Avenue, 401 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 359m - Southwest Harvey Milk Street, 1111 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 346m - Southwest Harvey Milk Street, 1121 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 339m - Southwest Harvey Milk Street, 1121 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 395m - Southwest Harvey Milk Street, 1111 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 318m - Southwest Harvey Milk Street, 1143 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 93m - West Burnside Street, 1332 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 138m - West Burnside Street, 1313 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 163m - West Burnside Street, 1313 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 156m - West Burnside Street, 1313 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 137m - Southwest 13th Avenue, 517 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 255m - Southwest Washington Street, 1205 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 396m - Southwest 11th Avenue, 419 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 291m - Southwest 12th Avenue, 537 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 350m - Southwest Morrison Street, 1532 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 339m - Southwest Washington Street, 1123 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 148m - Southwest 13th Avenue Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 389m - Northwest Couch Street, 1210 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 334m - Northwest Couch Street Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 388m - Northwest Couch Street, 1210 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 374m - Northwest Couch Street, 1210 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 392m - Northwest Couch Street, 1210 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 342m - Northwest Couch Street, 1231 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 282m - Northwest Couch Street Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 379m - Northwest Couch Street, 1201 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 300m - West Burnside Street, 1225 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 341m - West Burnside Street Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 352m - Northwest 13th Avenue Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 336m - Northwest Davis Street, 1305 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 300m - Southwest 13th Avenue Alquiler de bicicletas - 209mBiketown - Lyft - de pago Southwest Harvey Milk Street, 1234 Teléfono: +1-866-512-2453 Alquiler de bicicletas - 389mBiketown - Lyft - de pago Northwest Flanders Street, 1411Otros Agua potable - 320m - Southwest Morrison Street, 1200 Agua potable - 364m - Southwest 12th Avenue, 747 Agua potable - 362m - Southwest 12th Avenue, 909 office-company - 237mFirst American Title Northwest 14th Avenue, 120 97209 Portland office-company - 365mVestas Northwest Everett Street, 1417 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-327-2000 Fax: +1-503-327-2001 office-company - 347mGerding Edlen Northwest Everett Street, 1477 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-299-6000 office-company - 365mDevelopment Company of the West Southwest 13th Avenue, 900 97205 Portland office-company - 338mMad Dog Garage Northwest Everett Street, 1436 97209 Portland office-company - 308mResource Data, Inc. Southwest Morrison Street, 1220 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-208-3693 office-company - 370mOrrick Southwest Washington Street, 1140 97205 Portland office-company - 294mcPacket Networks Southwest 12th Avenue, 412 97205 Portland office-company - 301mOpus Interactive West Burnside Street, 1225 97209 Portland office-company - 307mTata Communications West Burnside Street, 1225 97209 Portland office-company - 296mAirship West Burnside Street, 1225 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1 855 385 3155 Papeleras - 147m - Southwest Washington Street, 1237 Papeleras - 384m - Northwest Davis Street, 1238 Papeleras - 320m - Northwest Everett Street Papeleras - 213m - Southwest Harvey Milk Street, 1234 Papeleras - 382m - Northwest Couch Street, 1210 Papeleras - 311m - West Burnside Street Papeleras - 350m - Northwest Davis Street Papeleras - 393m - Northwest 13th Avenue, 202 Reciclaje - 310m - West Burnside Street Reciclaje - 385m - Northwest Davis Street, 1238 Reciclaje - 381m - Northwest Couch Street, 1210 Reciclaje - 339m - West Burnside Street office-advertising_agency - 277mFlair Northwest Davis Street, 1427 97209 Portland office-association - 432mCaldera Northwest 13th Avenue, 224 97209 Portland office-estate_agent - 200mCommercial Integrity Southwest 13th Avenue, 406 97205 Portland office-estate_agent - 389mBC Group Real Estate Development and Construction Advisors Northwest 13th Avenue, 239 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-432-8761 office-estate_agent - 360mNeville & Butler Southwest 13th Avenue, 900 97205 Portland office-financial - 505mPremier Mortgage Resources Northwest Flanders Street, 1325 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-546-8480 training - 475mAveda Institute Northwest 13th Avenue, 325 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-294-6000 Horario de apertura: Tu-Th 10:00-21:00; Fr,Sa 10:00-18:00 escuelas de idiomas - 469mKaplan Northwest 13th Avenue, 323 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-888-744-3046 coworking_space - 387mCentrl Office - de pago Northwest Everett Street, 1355 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-714-6055 office-lawyer - 354mPiucci Law Southwest 13th Avenue, 900 97205 Portland Servicios Sociales - 289mFair Housing Council of Oregon Southwest Yamhill Street, 1221 97205 Portland Servicios Sociales - 314mOregon Community Foundation Southwest Yamhill Street, 1221 97205 Portland shop-cannabis - 593mMint Cannabis Co. Southwest 10th Avenue, 625 97205 Portland Teléfono: +1 503-987-5243 Horario de apertura: 08:00-20:00 oficinas de entidades religiosas - 214mFirst Presbyterian Church Office Southwest 13th Avenue, 610 97205 Portland Horario de apertura: Tu-Fr 08:00-17:00 shop-bridal - 422mAnia Bridal Southwest 11th Avenue, 521 Máquinas de vending - 368m - Southwest 15th Avenue, 729 oficinas gubernamentales - 493mSocial Security Administration Southwest Yamhill Street, 1538 97205 Teléfono: 18007721213 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 09:00-16:00 sport-dancing - 599mOregon Ballet School Southwest Morrison Street, 1017 97205 Portland Refugios - 382m - Southwest 11th Avenue, 419 office-architect - 165mSkylab Southwest 13th Avenue, 413 97205 Portland office-architect - 184mZimmer Gunsul Frasca Southwest Washington Street, 1223 97205 Portland events_venue - 338mYour Space Southwest Washington Street, 1123 97205 Portland sport-billiards - 472mMarathon Taverna West Burnside Street, 1735 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-224-1341 Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 00:00-02:30, 07:00-24:00 office-yes - 426mPerkins Coie Northwest Couch Street, 1120 97209 Portland estudio - 226mStage 13 Northwest 13th Avenue, 13 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-504-4499 estudio - 233mFfake Northwest 13th Avenue, 13 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1-503-234-9500 Email: paul.golden@ffake.com office-insurance - 498mM Financial Group Northwest Couch Street, 1125 97209 Portland Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 08:00-17:00 alquiler de espacio de almacenamiento - 338mDowntown Self Storage Northwest Davis Street, 1305 97209 Portland Teléfono: +1 503 388 4060 Toilets - 589m - Southwest 11th Avenue Calles conectadas Listado de calles y plazas que están conectadas con
Southwest 14th Avenue